Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Tragedy.

Whenever it comes to an open topic to write or talk about, everyone has different views on it. Some will like to talk about things they’ve experienced, some will like to talk about their lives and some like to tell a story. I however, will be the one telling the story. I feel like telling an emotional story in my life. My story will be about my grandmother on my mother’s side.

She left us last year during April and it was a disaster for all of us. There was a tradition when I was young where we would always go to my granny’s house on Thursdays to have dinner because she would cook for us. My granny, to me, is the BEST cook ever. She’s the reason why I love to eat. I would always look forward to Thursdays just because I get to see her and obviously to eat her delicious food. Her specialty was her spaghetti, mash potatoes, potato salad, corn beef and her own Chinese soup she made.

Not only the food I look forward to, I always look forward on her every week questions asking “So, school was boring today I presume?’ that question would make me laugh and then she will laugh along which is what I love about my granny. She has that cheeky adorable laugh that makes you want to just hug her so tight which is what I always did. Not forgetting that I love watching the tv series Friends with her. She loves that show, it’s her favourite show. She laughs so hard whenever she watches that show and I love seeing her so happy like that. Seeing her happy is all I ever wanted, seeing her smile, seeing her giggle, seeing her make jokes and then laughing at them by herself.

Then came august 2009, that’s when everything hit her at once. My granny, grandpa, aunt and my two cousins stay under the same roof. So my aunt is a workaholic, she works till late like 11 or 12 so she’s never really home. Then my cousin Alex, she got a job that followed UK time so she worked at night and during the day, she sleeps. Shaun, her favourite grandson got a job near his father’s house so he stayed there from then on. So she started feeling lonely because it was only her and my grandpa.

In October 2009, she was showing weird signs like getting sick, not wanting to eat, not wanting to go out, she doesn’t want to cook nor do anything at all. So we all got worried and took her to the hospital. They said she’s not sick or anything but she’s just very weak because she doesn’t eat and all that. Later on, we found out she was depressed. We then went to my granny’s everyday and we tried our best to cheer her up, make her eat but no, she just wouldn’t want to do anything. She wouldn’t listen to us, she wouldn’t let us take care of her, sometimes, she wouldn’t even want to walk.

I could not believe my eyes. How can a person just change like that? She was so happy and she was MY granny, how did this happen I don’t understand. She then became so skinny and lacked of glucose and all such.

It kept on going until April 2010. I remember that day. It was a Tuesday and I had to stay back for my Blue house practice. We couldn’t bring phones to school and it just so happened that I needed to call my mum and tell her that my friend will send me back so she doesn’t have to pick me up. I kept going on saying you don’t need to pick me up, and all she said was “Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn, LISTEN TO ME!” I was scared, I didn’t want to know what she was going to say and she then said “grandma passed away this morning, Bryan is coming to pick you up now.’ I just dropped the phone and broke down and cried. I couldn’t believe it, what happened? I just saw her yesterday and I just didn’t understand. Everyone was crowding around me asking me what happened, teachers came giving me tissues but I couldn’t say a thing, I was speechless and when my brother came, we straight went home and I hugged my mum tight and told her that I love her and that everything was going to be okay but even I knew that it wasn’t. I was dying inside but I knew that crying and getting angry wouldn’t bring her back. We eventually recovered slowly. I miss her so much. ):

Sunday, May 1, 2011

animal rights 1

Animals are no different than humans. Sometimes to me, i feel that animals even have bigger hearts than humans and animals are so important in our lives. They actually make humans happy and bring life to them. So why are they different? Why should they be treated differently? There’s no reason or even if there is, it isn’t logical.

How do i feel towards this matter? I feel that its very unfair for the animals to be treated this way. They have feelings too just that its not as visible as humans. Whenever an animal is treated unfairly, its not nice to see. Its very hurtful and its also a bad thing to do obviously. What if it were you? If you were the one who was treated that way and tortured at the same time till you cant even move, cant walk and its impossible to do anything.

We should stand up for the animals. Whenever their attacked or not treated right, we should be there and do something about it. Its not fair that they have to go through this alone. Yes, they’re animals, but they have hearts as well and they can obviously feel pain. Its not right to just hit a dog or kick a dog and then walk away. Even if you’re scared of animals or what not, you should not harm them as they did not harm you. Animals only get angry when you do something to them, whenever you leave them alone, so will they.

I hate it when i’m at the mamak and i see small kids throwing rocks or things at the cats or dogs that pass by or are under their table. Why cant they just leave the animals alone? Its not like they’re biting you or licking you or what not. They deserve a chance to live on this earth as well. What we should do about this is, whenever we see people doing this, we should make them stop, tell them that they have no rights to harm the animals in anyway.

Furthermore, i know that people think, that’s not mine, i have no responsible for this animal so why should we care? Well, JUST SO YOU KNOW, THEY HAVE FEELINGS TOO! We should start making it our responsibility to take care and adopt these animals who have no home and no where to go.

They are so adorable and cunning that you just want to hold them in your arms and pat them. How can you not like animals? They are the reason why this earth started. They are forever in our hearts whenever we’re at school, college, work and etc because we love them, we just do. There’s nothing not to love about. We know in our hearts that they have a right to live on this world peacefully like we do. They do not harm us in anyway and we should just leave them alone. This is why animals have the right and they deserve a chance to live (: